Streaming Membership for Two Years with Voucher


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Enjoy two years unlimited streaming at with a Valid Voucher

 24 videos are available on the membership site!

The Guinea Show videos will inspire children to try new fruits and vegetablesn and to share Guinea’s enthusiasm and excitement about these foods.
Your children will learn about vegetables and fruit, see healthy food choices, sing a song, and enjoy the cute guinea pig.
Show children one of these videos a day to feature the “Vegetable of the Day” or the “Fruit of the Day.” You can coordinate the vegetable or the fruit of the day to match what you’re serving. Your children will wonder, “What will Guinea eat today?”

The Guinea Show Collection includes 13 vegetable shows and 11 fruit shows.

Veggies vs. Sweets, Beets, Broccoli, Carrots, Celery, Cilantro / Chinese parsley, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Green Bean, Peas, Red Pepper, Romaine lettuce

Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Cantaloupe, Grapes, Grapefruit, Mango, Peaches, Pear, Watermelon, Fruit vs. Sweets

The video collection also comes with a Parent Teacher Guide with fun activity ideas to supplement The Guinea Show. The Guide suggests fun activities after watching each video to further engage your children to focus on the vegetable or fruit of the day.
Each of the 24 shows run under two minutes long.

COLORING PAGES feature Guinea, Guinea with fruit or vegetables, or fruit or vegetables by themselves. These pages can be downloaded and printed.

Attractive IMAGES of fruits and vegetables that are featured in The Guinea Show can be downloaded and printed.

 After you buy a membership…
To view your content,
1.  click on My Account at the top of the page,
2.  then click My Memberships,
3.  then click View on items listed under My Membership Content. . .


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